Bonehead Of The Day Award
by Jerry Lerman

UK Refuses To Release Names Of 39 Escaped Prisoners, Citing Privacy Protection. Releasing Victim's Names Still OK
Was OK to name them when imprisoned but not when they escaped

You whipped out your "Freedom of Information Act" but I completely blocked it with the power of my "Data Protection Acts!"  Suck it UK citizens.

The UK Ministry of Justice is refusing to provide the names of 39 escaped prisoners from the Hollesley Bay open prison, saying that doing so would breach UK data protection laws, despite a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

"It is the general policy of the Ministry of Justice not to disclose, to a third party, personal information about another person."

Do you remember when we worried about being the victim of a lack of privacy?  

BBC  3-Jul-09

Click here for original story

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